All Variables

Name Unit Description
gIWBSLibBootstrapCss IWBSGlobal

path for bootstrap library (required)

gIWBSLibBootstrapJs IWBSGlobal


gIWBSLibDynamicTabs IWBSGlobal

path for Dynamic Tabs plugin (optional)

gIWBSLibDynamicTabsCss IWBSGlobal


gIWBSLibDynamicTabsJs IWBSGlobal



path for iwbs support files (required)



gIWBSLibJQueryJs IWBSGlobal

path for JQuery library (required)

gIWBSLibPath IWBSGlobal

ATENTION!!!!, Global files should only be modified in TIWServerController.OnConfig event, they are not Thread Safe. only boolean vars (for enable/disable plugins) could be changed anytime, because boleans vars work with attomic read/write paths to framework JS and CSS files

gIWBSLibPolyFiller IWBSGlobal

path for Polyfiller library, it provides full support for html5 to older browsers (optional)

gIWBSLibPolyFillerJs IWBSGlobal


gIWBSLinkFiles IWBSGlobal

global link files to include in every page

gIWBSOnBeforeRender IWBSGlobal




gIWBSOnRenderAsync IWBSGlobal

global hook events, let you customize controls in a simple way

gIWBSRefreshCacheParam IWBSGlobal

server start timestamp value in format string, it is usefull to force client refresh cache browsers of included files

gIWBSRenderingGridPrecision IWBSGlobal


gIWBSRenderingSortMethod IWBSGlobal

configurations for design time grid

sIWBSDialogCloseCaption IWBSDialogs


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